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Organizations: Open Development Cambodia

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  • The Grand Theft of Dey Krahorm

    The Grand Theft of Dey Krahorm, one of chapters in a Land Research Action Network publication on Land Struggles, tells the story of Dey Krahorm’s vital struggle to keep their co...

  • On stony ground: A look into social land concessions

    LICADHO​ looks​ into​ "Land​ Allocation​ for​ Social​ and​ Economic​ Development​ (LASED)",​ a $13 million project which​ is​ supported​ by​ the​ World​ Bank​ and​ Deutsche​ Ges...

  • Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2016 Edition

    Report on Cambodia's electricity sector in 2015 was released by Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC). It details information about electricity coverage areas where the state ...

  • SDG localisation into Cambodian context: Progress, M&E framework and next step

    This slide presentation describes about the SDGs in global and regional context and the SDGs pre-localization in Cambodia. Moreover, the presentation also explains the SDGs loca...

  • How to reach everyone with safe water and sanitation by 2030

    Without​ accessibility​ to​ clean​ water,​ decent​ toilets​ and​ good​ hygiene,​ poverty​ still​ continues.​ This​ report​ suggests​ how​ governments​ and​ donor​ can​ fight​ fo...

  • Export Competitiveness of the Cambodian Rubber Sector Relative to Other Greater Mekong Subregion Suppliers a simple descriptive analysis

    The development of the Cambodian rubber industry during the past two years has been noticeably positive due to the substantial and continuous rise in prices of natural rubber. I...

  • Briefing paper: Cambodia's Draft Law on the Management and Use of Agricultural Land

    In late 2011, the Cambodian government quietly released a draft Law on the Management and Use of Agricultural Land that would have serious implications for private landholders. ...

  • Public versus private provision of irrigated water management on rural economic development: The Case Study of Trapaing Trabek irrigation, Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia

    The study was conducted, on one hand, to analyze the impacts of irrigated water management on agricultural productivity and household poverty with the provision of both public a...

  • Directive 01BB in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia: Issues and Impacts of Private Land Titling in Indigenous Communities

    To assess the impact of this new directive and its effects on the relationship between communal land titling and Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) in Ratanakiri, seven NGOs colle...

  • Accessible WASH in Cambodia

    This​ report​ documents​ the​ overview​ and​ status​ on​ disability​ and​ WASH, legal​ and​ policy​ framework​ in​ inclusive​ WASH​ in​ Cambodia.​ It​ also​ depicts​ the​ govern...

  • Public-Private Partnerships Energy and Infrastructure in Cambodia

    Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can help in addressing the concerns of infrastructure development and narrow export base to promote business climate in Cambodia. In partnersh...

  • Private sector participation in economic development Cambodian: Cambodian and regional perspectives

    Cambodian government has built institutional capacity to promote private investment in the past decade. Private sector is seen as a main catalyst to engender sustainable growth....

  • Rice policy study: Implications of rice policy changes in Vietnam for Cambodia’s rice policy and rice producers in southeastern provinces

    This​ policy​ study​ explains​ the​ impact​ of​ Vietnamese's​ agricultural​ policy​ on​ Cambodia's​ rice​ policy​ as​ well​ as​ the​ livelihood​ of​ the​ rice​ producers.​ Recen...

  • Cambodian elections: Lessons learned and future directions

    The report is a result of a two-day post-election conference in February 2004, aiming to bring together Cambodian election stakeholders, irrespective of their party affiliations...

  • Asian Water Development Outlook 2016: Strengthening water security in Asia and the Pacific

    Asian​ Water​ Development​ Outlook​ 2016​ briefly​ describes​ the​ overview​ of​ the​ water​ security​ in​ Asia​ and​ the​ Pacific​ and​ explains​ how​ the​ Asia​ and​ the​ Paci...

  • Use Hansen high-res forest cover maps wisely, experts say

    At a glance: New paper by Hansen et al., can visualize changes in forest cover at 30m resolution Can help country experts or researchers to better assess forest cover and...

  • Hydropower in Cambodia: Competing discursive story-lines of a contested development path

    This thesis uses discourse to analyze how different story-lines of hydropower development in the Mekong River Basin reproduce the concept of sustainable development. With actors...

  • Cambodian Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023

    The Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014 – 2023 (CCCSP) is well designed to fill the policy gap, complement on-going efforts and meet the emerging challenges of developm...

  • Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment, Final Report

    The Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment was conducted by an international team of experts directed by the Natural Heritage Institute (NHI) under a formal agreement (Me...

  • Rapid Integrated Assessment - Cambodia SDG Profile

    UNDP conducted a rapid integrated assessment of Cambodia’s National Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018 and relevant sector plans and strategies against the SDG targets. The as...

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