Prakas No. 160 on the management of Ou Chay community protected area in Tma Kaev commune and Santepheap commune, Siem Pang district, Stung Treng province in Virachey National Park
Ou Chay community protected area with the area of 2801 hectares is located in Virachey National Park located in Tma Kaev commune and Santepheap commune, Siem Pang district, Stun...
Prakas No. 222 on the management of Skor Krouch community protected area in Prasat Andaet village, Danghet village, Krasang village, and Prey Kokir village, Sandan commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom province in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary
Skor Krouch community protected area with the area of 1524 hectares is located in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Prasat Andaet village, Danghet village, Krasang village, and Pre...
Prakas No. 221 on the management of Trapeang Prey Thom community protected area in Thmei village, Choam Phal village, and Choan Leaeng village, Mean Chey commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom province in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary
Trapeang Prey Thom community protected area with the area of 2334 hectares is located in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Thmei village, Choam Phal village, and Choan Leaeng villa...
Prakas No. 186 on the management of Beng Tortel community protected area in Koun K'aek village, Sambour commune, Prasat Sambour district, Kampong Thom province of Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary
Beng Tortel community protected area with the area of 2587 hectares is located in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Koun K'aek village, Sambour commune, Prasat Sambour district, Ka...
Prakas No. 188 on the management of Boeung Tonle Mrech community protected area in Ou Pour village, Romoneiy commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary
Boeung Tonle Mrech community protected area with the area of 1722 hectares is located in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Ou Pour village, Romoneiy commune, Rovieng district, Prea...
Sub-decree No. 78 on the establishment of Boeng Yeak Laom Multiple Use Area
The establishment of Boeng Yeak Laom multiple use area with the area of 225 hectare in Yeak Laom commune, Ban Lung Municipality, Ratanak Kiri province for environmental protecti...
Sub-decree No. 14 on establishment of Koh Rung Marine National Park
The Kong Rung Marine National Park covers seven islands includes Koh Rong, Koh Rong Samloem, Koh Koun, Koh Touch, Koh Tatiem, Koh Mnoas Krav, Koh Mnoas Knong and other surroundi...
Sub-decree No. 15 on establishment of Roneam Daun Sam Protected Landscape
Roneam Daun Sam Protected Landscape is established with 1423 hectares of land in Malai district of Banteay Meanchey province. Previously, Roneam Daun Sam Protected Landscape wit...
Prakas No. 187 on the management of Ou Chonchean community protected area in Trapeang Pring village, Sakream commune, Prasat Ballangk district, Kampong Thom province in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary
Ou Chonchean community protected area with the area of 2295 hectares is located in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Trapeang Pring village, Sakream commune, Prasat Ballangk dist...
Sub-decree No. 49 on the establishment of Sorng Rukhavorn Wildlife Sanctuary
The establishment of Sorng Rukhavorn Wildlife Sanctuary with the area of 30,254 hectare in Samraong Municipality, Anlong Veaeng district, and Chong Kal district in Oddar Meanche...
Sub decree No. 39 on the establishment of Sambor Prei Kuk Protected Landscape
The establishment of Sambor Prei Kuk Protected Landscape with the area of 438 hectare in Prasat Sambour district, Kampong Thom province for environmental protection, ecosystem c...
Sub-decree No. 69 on the Transfer of the Protected Forest, Forest Conservation and Production Forest Areas, and Economic Land Concessions between MAFF, and MoE
This sub-decree is to transfer 13 areas of the protected forest and forest conservation and 5 areas of production forest areas from Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisherie...
Royal decree No. 176 on revocation of Snoul Wildlife Sanctuary in Kratie province and Roneam Daun Sam Wildlife Sanctuary in Battambang province
The Royal decree aims to revoke the Snuol Wildlife Sanctuary, established on 01 November 1993 and consisting of 75,000 hectares in Kratie province, as well as the Roneam Daun Sa...
Prakas No 364 on establishment of management fishery area in Koh Rung and Koh Rung Samloem islands
This Prakas aims at establishing management fishery area in Koh Rung and Koh Rung Samloem islands located in Sangkat Koh Rung, Krong Preah Sihanouk, Preah Sihanouk province to p...
Sub-decree No.78 on Establishment of Prek Teuk Sap Kbal Chhay Multiple Use Area
Prek Teuk Sap Kbal Chhay Multiple Use Area is located in Preah Sihanouk province.The area has a total land area of 6,202 hectares. Annex of the geographic location map and the c...
Sub-decree No.75 on Establishment of Preah Rokar Wildlife Sanctuary
Preah Rokar Wildlife Sanctuary was established in Preah Vihear province. This Wildlife Sanctuary has a size of 90,361 hectares. Annex of the geographic location map and the coor...