Emergency Decree on Fisheries, B.E. 2558 (2015)
The provisions of this Emergency Decree aim to reorganize fisheries in Thailand and in waters at large with a view to preventing unlawful fishing in order to preser...
Prakas No. 193 on the establishment of marine fisheries management areas in Po archipelago and Koh Tonsay, Kep Province
This Prakas aims to establish a marine fisheries management area in the Po archipelago and Koh Tonsay in Kep province to protect, conserve and sustainably use marine fishery res...
Prakas No. 140 on the registration of 32 community fisheries in Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri, Kep, Prey Veng and Kratie Provinces
Prakas on the registration of 32 community fisheries in Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri, Kep, Prey Veng and Kratie Provinces is officially registered and recognized by the Ministry of A...
Sub-decree No. 221 on the area of Boeung Trabek reservoir in Phnom Penh as state public property
This sub-decree defines the Boeung Trabek reservoir area of 145,627 square meters (one hundred and forty-five thousand six hundred and twenty-seven square meters) located in P...
Prakas No. 400 on the establishment of a fisheries refugia for mackerel protection in Peam Krasaob, Koh Kong Province
A new fisheries refugia for mackerel protection was established. It covers a fishery zone with total area of 1,283 ha in Peam Krasaob, Koh Kong province. This fisheries refugia ...
Strengthening Asia-Pacific’s support for the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
Resolution to strengthen Asia-Pacific’s Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
Law On Marine and Island Resources and Environment
This Law prescribes integrated management of marine and island resources and protection of the marine and island environment; and the rights, obligations and responsibilities of...