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Economic land concessions (ELCs)

Developer Hoang Anh Andong Meas Co. Ltd.
Adjustment classification Downsized
Contract term (year) Not found
Developer country Vietnam
Developer address Phum3, St.National78, Khum La Ban Seak, Srok Ban Long, Rattanakiri province
Contract date 11/8/2011
Granted land area (hectare) 9400
Source of land size Not found
Intended investment Agro-industry
Intended crop or project Palm oil
Director Nguyen Van Thu
Director nationality Vietnamese
Province/Capital city Ratanakiri
District/Khan(s) Not found
Commune/Sangkat Not found
Town/Municipality Not found
Contract authority Not found
Sub-decree reclassifying land use Not found
Previous land use Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary
Developer land use plan Not found
IEIA/EIA status Not found
Data classification Other data
Reference: Visualizing land concessions over time (Screen shot of Hoang Anh Andong Meas concession)
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Notice on amendment of memorandum and articles of association: Hoang Anh Andong Meas Co., Ltd
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