Developer | Hoang Anh Andong Meas Co. Ltd. |
Adjustment classification | Downsized |
Contract term (year) | Not found |
Developer country | Vietnam |
Developer address | Phum3, St.National78, Khum La Ban Seak, Srok Ban Long, Rattanakiri province |
Contract date | 11/8/2011 |
Granted land area (hectare) | 9400 |
Source of land size | Not found |
Intended investment | Agro-industry |
Intended crop or project | Palm oil |
Director | Nguyen Van Thu |
Director nationality | Vietnamese |
Province/Capital city | Ratanakiri |
District/Khan(s) | Not found |
Commune/Sangkat | Not found |
Town/Municipality | Not found |
Contract authority | Not found |
Sub-decree reclassifying land use | Not found |
Previous land use | Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary |
Developer land use plan | Not found |
IEIA/EIA status | Not found |
Data classification | Other data |
Reference: | Visualizing land concessions over time (Screen shot of Hoang Anh Andong Meas concession) |
'Stubborn' furniture firm vexes villagers | |
Notice on amendment of memorandum and articles of association: Hoang Anh Andong Meas Co., Ltd | |
Composite capability reinforced internal force |