Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)
This dataset contains data of eight types of protected areas in Cambodia (national park, wildlife sanctuary, protected landscape, multiple use, natural heritage site, Ramsar sit...
Community protected areas (2006-2021)
This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation corridor, multiple use areas, wildlife sanctuar...
Biodiversity and Conservation of Protected Areas Law
The draft law addresses the existing regulations pertaining to biodiversity and conservation of protected areas within the Union of Myanmar.
Law on Natural Protected Areas
This law defines the framework of management, conservation and development of protected areas. The objectives of this law are to ensure the management, conservation of biodivers...
Sub-decree no. 242 on the amendment to article 3 of sub-decree no. 11, issued on January 10, 2022, on the demarcation and allocation of management areas in Sihanoukville Ream Marine National Park, Preah Sihanouk province
This sub-decree shows the division of the management area in Sihanoukville Marine National Park into two (2) areas, such as the sustainable use area with a total area of 11090 (...
Sub-decree no. 221 on the reclassification of an ecotourism development investment project covering an area of 221.94 hectares located within the sustainable use zone of Preah Suramarit-Kosamak "Kirirom" national park
This sub-decree shows the reclassification from state public property to state private property over an area of 221.94 hectares located within the sustainable use zone of Preah ...
Sub-decree no. 239 on defining and allocating the management area of the Phnom Krang Dei Meas protected landscape within Rolea B'ier district, Kampong Chhnang province
This sub-decree shows the division of the management zone in the "Phnom Krang Dei Meas" protected landscape into two zones, such as the sustainable use zone, which covers a tota...
Sub-decree no. 144 on the establishment of Bakan protected landscape
This sub decree shows the establishment of Bakan protected landscape of 38430 hectares located in Bakan and Kandieng district Pursat province.
Sub-decree no. 103 on the launch a map of cultural heritage location within natural protected area
This sub-decree sets out the introduction of a map to locate cultural heritage sites within protected areas in the Kingdom of Cambodia for the purpose of preserving, protecting ...
Sub-decree no. 87 on the revocation of sub-decree no. 47 dated 27 February 2023 on the demarcation of the Mekong river dolphin management area
This sub-decree shows the revocation of sub-decree no. 47 dated 27 February 2023 on the demarcation of Mekong River Dolphin Management Area.
Sub-decree no. 83 on the determination of the right to use and benefit from state land in the buffer zone of the flooded forest (Zone 2) around Tonle Sap Lake in Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap and Kampong Thom provinces
This sub-decree shows the buffer zone of the flooded forest (Zone 2) around Tonle Sap Lake in Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap and Kampong Thom p...
Sub-decree no. 79 on the establishment of multiple use area of Toul Bospnheav
This sub-decree shows the establishment of a multi-use area with an area of 1252.37 (one thousand two hundred and fifty hectares and thirty-seven acres) located in Preaek Meas...
Reclassifying natural protected areas in Cambodia
This dataset collects data on the reclassifying of protected areas by increasing the area and decreasing the area of protected areas in Cambodia, such as: protected landscape,...
Sub-decree no. 69 on the identification of community and sustainable use zone of Koah Rung marine national park, located in Koah Rung Sonlem village, Koah Rung Sonlem commune, Koah Rung city, Preah Sihanouk province
This sub-decree defines the community area of Koah Rung marine national park on an area of 328 hectares, 54 acres, located in Koah Rung Sonlem village, Koah Rung Sonlem comm...
Sub-degree no.173 on the establishment of Phnom Kravanh national park
This sub-decree established the Phnom Kravanh national park with an area of 926,123 hectares in Koh Kong, Pursat, Kampong Speu, Preah Sihanouk and Battambang provinces.
Sub-decree no. 183 on reclassifying Vern Sai-Siem Pang national park
This sub-decree expands Sombor wildlife sanctuary from 57,469 hectares to 280,359 hectares in Ratanak Kiri and Stung Treng province.
Sub-decree no. 187 on reclassifying Sombor wildlife sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Sombor wildlife sanctuary from 50,093 hectares to 82,506 hectares in Siem Reap province.
Sub-decree no. 188 on reclassifying Tatai wildlife sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary from 144,275 hectares to 144,539 hectares in Koh Kong province.
Sub-decree no. 192 on reclassifying Virachey National Park
This sub-decree expands Virachey National Park from 332,500 hectares to 405,766 hectares in Ratanakiri and Stung Treng province.
Sub-decree no. 188 on reclassifying Preah Jayavarman Noroodom National Park
This sub-decree expands Preah Jayavarman Noroodom national park from 37,500 hectares to 62,883 hectares in Siem Reap province.