[Draft] Completed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment on Koh Krabey Resort Development Project of R.P.B Investment Co., Ltd
The specific objectives of the full environmental and social impact assessment study on the Koh Krabey Resort Development Project are: 1. Study the existing biological environm...
[Draft] Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) on Limestones construction business project of China Sui Tai Rock Factory Co., Ltd
The main purpose of China Sui Tai Rock Factory's construction stone business project is to contribute to the sustainable development of construction stone by supplying construct...
[Draft] Initial Environment and Social Impact Assessment on quarry business of Black Diamond Stone SJC Co., Ltd
The objectives of the Initial Environment and Social Impact Assessment are - To ensure doing business in the long term with sustainability. - Explore the existing environmenta...
[Draft] Completed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) on the limestone business project of Kampot Cement Co., Ltd.
The main purpose of the business and use of limestone for processing into cement of Kampot Cement Co., Ltd. is to contribute to the development of sustainable construction and r...
Myanmar community forest assessment report_recoftc_2022
Establishment of Community Forestry (CF) was started in the Ayeyarwaddy delta where mangroves mainly occur in Myanmar right after Community Forestry Instructions (CFIs) was issu...
Prakas no. 230 on delegation of power to decide on behalf of the Ministry for investment projects to Provincial / Municipal Departments of Environment
This Prakas gives the Provincial or Municipal Department of Environment the right to review, comment on, and decide on the initial or complete environmental impact assessment re...
[Draft] Initial environmental and social impact assessment on the project to build the optic cable
Initial environmental and social impact assessment of the 1,085-km-long optic cable project, taking a sample of 2.6 km on the right side of street 380 in Preaek Ta kov commune, ...
[Draft] Environmental and social impact assessment on the completed project of Cambodia optical cable network in 5 target provinces
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment on the completed project of Cambodia optical cable network in 5 target provinces along street 135 in Chhouk district, Kampot province,...
Threatened ecosystems of Myanmar:
Myanmar's Red List of Ecosystems is a tool to understand our threats and plan for conservation and sustainable management. Forests constitute the dominant ecosystems in Myanmar,...
Environmental impact assessments
This spreadsheet is developed from gathering information from the various report of environmental impact assessment reports (EIA) and show information such as company profile, a...
Environmental Impact Assessment on Diversion Route Lower Yuam Reservoir -- Bhumibol Reservoir: Executive Summary Report
Under the Feasibility Study: Environmental Impact Assessment, Public Relations and Public Hearing of the Bhumibol Reservoir Inflow Augmentation Project, Panya Consultants Co., L...
Mangrove first global assessment finding
This is the first global assessment of a full ecosystem functional group across the planet using the Red List of Ecosystems and raises concerns about the risk of collapse of man...
Royal Kram no. 0623/007 on environment and natural resources code
This code sets out the rules to be followed and practiced in strengthening, modernizing, harmonizing and improving the management of environmental protection, conservation and r...
Prakas No. 226 on procedure and implementation of guidelines for the verification chart in preparing the initial environmental and social impact assessment report on livestock and aquaculture
This prakas aims to facilitate the owners of the project to prepare environmental and social impact assessment reports and fasten the procedure for unanimity on evaluation repor...
Prakas no. 215 on the registration of consulting companies for the study and preparation of environmental and social impact assessment report
This Prakas aims to determine the registration conditions and criteria of the consulting company for the study and preparation of environmental and social impact assessment repo...
The application of FPIC standards in Cambodia
The objective of this FPIC brief is to provide summaries of how FPIC and robust consultation procedures have been applied in practice in Cambodia across various sectors and acti...
Lower Sesan 2 hydro project EIA review
The purpose of this review is to provide comments on the adequacy of the EIA for decision making by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) as well as the Electricity Authority of Cam...
Workshop report on embracing strategic environmental assessment in the environment and natural resources code
The report underscores the relationship between SEA and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), explains the SEA procedural framework, illustrates upon the fundamental principles...
Annual Report 2020 of The Siam Cement Public Company Limited
This report aims to highlight the achievements and challenges of The Siam Cement Public Company Limited in 2020.
Bent Roads: Exploring the Impact of Development Projects in Two Communities in Myanmar
This report outlines the findings from community-based research on gravel extraction and road building in two villages in Win Yay Township, Dooplaya District, which is situated ...