Department of State: 2014 Investment Climate Statement
Cambodia has experienced rapid economic growth over the last decade. Cambodian gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of over eight percent between 2000 and...
Factors affecting forest area changes in Cambodia: An econometric approach
From the Abstract : Clarifying factors affecting forest area changes is critical to implementing REDD+ scheme properly. We analyzed some socio-economic factors and clarified t...
Factors affecting forest area changes in Cambodia: An econometric approach
A journal article aiming to clarify factors affecting forest area changes. The authors analysed the relationship between various socio-economic factors on deforestation in Cambo...
Factors affecting forest area changes in Cambodia: An econometric approach (presentation)
A presentation summarising quantitative research into the main factors affecting deforestation in Cambodia. The presenters describe forest cover changes in Cambodia. They then o...
Land Policy "White Paper"
Land Policy of the Royal Government, known as ”Land White Paper” is an analytical document of the situation of land tenure, land use, and land and natural resources management, ...
Prakas No. 371 on the property tax base
This prakas was established in accordant with the section 2 of the property tax of Law on Financial Management for the Year 2010, the properties located in the administration of...
Sub-decree No. 98 on river basin management
This sub-decree aims to manage, conserve and develop river basin to be more effective and sustainable in accordance to Law on Water Resource Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No. 147 on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia
This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No.149 on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia
This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No.27 on the Amendment the Article 1 of Sub-decree No.147 on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia
This Sub-decree is established to amend the Article 1 point 1.2 by removing Prince Norodom Ranariddh from the composition of Co-president of Council for Development of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No.28 on the Amendment of Article 4 Point (4.1) of Sub-decree No.148 on the Establishment and Management of the Special Economic Zone
This Sub-decree is established to amend Article 4, point 4.1 in Sub-Decree No.148 ANKr.BK dated December 29, 2005, focusing on composition of the Special Economic Zones Trouble ...
Sub-Decree No. 148 on the Establishment and Management of Special Economic Zone
This Sub-Decree is about the Establishment and Management of Special Economic Zone in the Kingdom of Cambodia to manage the Special Economic Area and to ensure the investors in ...
Joint Prakas No. 498 on provision of the public services delivered by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
The public services provided by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications have been prepared in a list of services detailing the type of services, the maximum cost of service...
Joint Prakas No. 499 on provision of the public services delivered by Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia
The public services provided by Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia have been prepared in a list of services detailing the type of services, the maximum cost of services, th...
Annual report 2017 of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
The report shows that the Phnom Penh Water Supply (PPWSA) could produce 194,037,833 cubic meters, equivalent to 95% of the plan and put up water distribution networks in Phnom P...
Policy paper on social concessions in the Kingdom of Cambodia
This policy paper outlines an overview and legal basis on social land concessions in Cambodia. Moreover, the paper also explains in detail on the authori...
Sub-decree No.19 on Social Land Concessions
This sub decree has the objective to define the criteria, procedures and mechanism granting of social land concessions for residential use and/family farming. There are two type...
Sub-decree No.33 on reclassification of permanent preserved forest privatization and granting state land ownership in Khun Ream commune, Banteay Srey district Siem Reap province
1,317 hectares of permanent preserved forest land located in Khun Ream commune, Banteay Srey district, Siem Reap province, were privatized and given to Siem Reap state land auth...
Policy on registration and right to use of land of indigenous peoples
The purpose of this policy is to register the indigenous communal land to ensure the land tenure, poverty reduction, national economic development, sustainable land use manageme...
Manual on implementation of order 01 dated 07 May, 2012 on measures strengthening and increasing effectiveness of ELC management
This manual compiled 12 law documents which are related to the implementation of government on strengthening and increasing effectiveness of management of ...