Public Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act, B.E. 2550 (2007)
In this Act: “public disaster” means fire, windstorm, flooding, drought, epidemic in humans, in animals or in marine animals, or invasion of plant pests, including other disaste...
The climate dictionary
The Climate Dictionary is an initiative aimed at providing an everyday guide to understanding climate change. It seeks to bridge the gap between complex scientific jargon and th...
Climate change data art exhibition report
This report illustrates the Climate Change Data Art Exhibition on 10 December 2023, which took place at Prayuters Library in Hmor Seth village, Sangkat Pal Hal, Krong Preah Vihe...
Rainfall stations
This dataset reveals 98 locations of hydro-meteorological stations disperse in 18 provinces in Cambodia.
Rainfall estimates from rain gauge and satellite observations (CHIRPS pentad dataset)
CHIRPS is an abbreviation for Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data (Version 2.0 final). The CHIRPS is a 30+ year quasi-global rainfall dataset and inco...
Sub-decree No.228 on the establishment of Boeung Karde multiple use area
This sub-decree shows the establishment of Boeung Karde multiple-use areas with an area of 1,643 (one thousand six hundred and forty-three) hectares in the geographical distri...
USAID GREENING PREY LANG Northern Plains Landscape REDD+ Feasibility Assessment
The Northern Plains Landscape (NPL) of Cambodia encompasses the intersection of natural habitat, biodiversity, and people. A woven system of critical forests and wetlands, the l...
Air Quality: Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an important atmospheric trace gas for understanding tropospheric chemistry. In certain urban areas, it is a major atmospheric pollutant. Main sources of...
Law on disaster management
The objective of this law is to manage the disaster in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Earthquake Disaster Areas in Thailand
Earthquake disaster area: using a model program to develop the area that may be affected by earthquakes in Thailand.
Shifting Cultivation in Myanmar’s REDD+ Development: A review of three REDD+ program documents
This report provides a review of shifting cultivation across three Myanmar REDD+ programme documents. The initial background study on drivers of deforestation concluded that mor...
Metallic and Non Metallic Mining Development Potential Index
Metallic Mining Development Potential Index: This global dataset continuously ranks from >0 (minimal) to 1 (highest) all suitable lands at a 1-km resolution for metallic mining...
Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) in Mekong Region
Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) is a continuous reference scale for estimating the dryness of the soil and duff layers. The index increases for each day without rain (the amou...
Death attribute to particulate matter (PM) air pollution in Cambodia (1990 - 2019)
This dataset shows the death rate attributed to air pollution caused by particulate matter in Cambodia, with the number of death, percentage, and the mortality rate per 100,000 ...
Floods in Thailand
This dataset shows the flooding areas in Thailand in 2018 and 2019.
Global Drought Monitoring: Agricultural Stress Index (ASI)
The Index is based on the integration of the Vegetation Health Index (VHI) in two dimensions that are critical in the assessment of a drought event in agriculture: temporal and ...
Climate change vulnerability mapping for greater Mekong sub-region
It is well recognized that the impacts of climate change pose a serious threat to socio-economic, environment, and people’s livelihoods,particularly those in developing cou...
Vulnerability to climate hazards
Vulnerability to climate hazards is implied by indicators, defined as the Vulnerability Index (VI), which corresponding to major natural hazards, categorized as drought, storm, ...
The climate change response handbook for NGOs' staff and relevant institutions
This handbook is intended to assist NGOs' staff and government agencies in training their partners on the causes, impacts, and responses to the climate change.
Changing the temperature of monitoring stations in Vietnam 2002-2017
Data provides information on the temperature of monitoring stations in Vietnam from January to December and throughout from 2002 to 2007