Royal Decree on the establishment of the National Committee for the Implementation of the Forest Protection and Land Grant Programme for Sustainable Development
The establishment aims to provide social land concessions to poor, landless people, enabling them to build houses and create family farms that will support community development...
Myanmar's changing mangroves Implications for nature, people and climate
Myanmar is home to globally significant mangrove forests, which support numerous endangered species, and are vital to local economies and society. However, these forests are un...
Forestry in Myanmar 2020
The Forest Department released 2020 report, consists various contents with up-to-date information about institutional structure, forest resources base, rules and law and etc.
Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act, B.E. 2562 (2019)
The reason for promulgating this Act is that the 1992 Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act has been in force for a long time and certain provisions and various measures in t...
Gender, tenure and customary practices in forest landscapes_2023
This report is based on 10 research projects carried out in 18 sites in seven countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Viet Nam. Each study document...
Streaming the establishment of community protected areas (CPAS) in Cambodia
This Policy Brief is the first in a series of three that have been compiled as input into the revision of the Protected Areas Law (2008) based on a comprehensive review of docum...
Case study: A glimpse into women's customary forest tenure practices in Lao PDR: Access, use, and management rights of women in customary tenure systems in Mai District, Phongsali province.
This case study will first examine village level perceptions of customary land tenure in two villages in the Mai district of Phongsali province. It will then unpack customary l...
Forest crime in Cambodia: Rings of illegality in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary
The first report “Forest crimes in Cambodia” explores the ways in which laws, regulations and policies designed to afford protection for Cambodian forests and the local and indi...
Sub-decree No.197 on boundary establishment of flooded forest site surrounding Tonle Sap lake in 6 provinces, including Kampong Chhnang province, Pursat province, Battambang province, Banteay Meanchey province, Siem Reap province and Kampong Thom Province with total land area of 647, 406
The boundary of flooded forest surrounding Tonle Sap lake has been established in 6 provinces, including Kampong Chhnang province, Pursat province, Battambang province, Banteay ...
Declaration No. 127 on establishment of National Anti-Deforestation Committee (NADC)
National Anti-Deforestation Committee (NADC) was established on 07 December 2016.
Lower Mekong Countries Protected and Heritage Areas
A dataset describing protected areas and heritage sites throughout the Lower Mekong Countries. The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global spat...
Land Tenure in Mekong Forest Landscapes: Advancing the Recognition of Customary Rights and Responsible Investment Practices
This summary report was the outcome of The 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum that took place on 26 and 27 May 2021 and was organized by MRLG, FAO and the Land Portal. The focus of ...
The context of REDD+ in Vietnam: Drivers, agents and institutions
Vietnam is acknowledged to be REDD+ pioneer country, having adopted REDD+ in 2009. This paper is an updated version of Vietnam’s REDD+ Country Profile which was first published ...
Peace on the Salween
Karen indigenous people have turned a war zone into a peace park, drawing on their culture and traditional knowledge to protect their ancestral lands in Karen State, Myanmar.
Order On Strengthening Strictness of Timber Harvest Management and Inspection, Timber Transport and Business
In order to strengthen the implementation of forest management, timber business, timber harvest, timber processing and timber trade with strictly respect to laws and regulations...
Thailand’s Community Forest Act: Analysis of the legal framework and recommendations
Thailand is undergoing an important development in its forestry laws. When the Community Forest Act B.E. 2562 was passed in 2019, Thailand had for the first time an official umb...
Announcement on suspend and review the forest land use certificates approval to individuals, entities or organizations in the area of conservation forest, protection forest, and production forest
This notice is issued to strengthen the forest land governance and ensure the effectiveness of law implementation of relevant government sectors. Previously, there are many peop...
The State of the World's Mangroves 2021
This publication represents a remarkable synthesis, 100 authors from around the world (over 40 locales) have come together, sharing cutting-edge science and compelling stories. ...
World Heritage Sites in Thailand
List of cultural and natural heritage sites listed on the World Heritage List Under the Convention on the Protection of Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites or the World He...
Forestry magazine No 62 on the achievement for the first half of 2020 of forestry administration
This magazine showcases the achievement of the Forestry Administration in the first semester of 2020. The content in this magazine consists of the update...