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7,151 datasets found

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  • SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

    During the September 2015 Sustainable Development Summit, hunger and food insecurity was one of the key topics of discussion, producing the SDG 2 – End Hunger and Achieve Food S...

  • ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security in the ASEAN Region (SPA-FS) 2015-2020

    The goal of AIFS Framework and SPA-FS 2015-2020 is to ensure long-term food security and nutrition, to improve the livelihoods of farmers in the ASEAN region. The SPA-FS shall c...

  • The Food Insecurity Experience Scale: Measuring food insecurity through people’s experiences

    The FIES is a metric of severity of food insecurity at the household or individual level that relies on people’s direct yes/no responses to eight brief questions regarding their...

  • Lower Mekong Workforce Skills Gap Analysis and Implications for Regional Growth.

    This report, commissioned by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Education Data for Decision Making (EdData) II Program, focuses on ways e...

  • Development Cooperation & Partnerships Strategy 2014-2018

    To ensure that Cambodia reaches the development goals that have been identified in the Rectangular Strategy – Phase III, the Royal Government will implement its development poli...

  • Interview with grant evans

    Transcript of an interview conducted with historian Grant Evans, an anthropologist who specialized in Laos and produced numerous academic works about the country. Published in t...

  • Sub-Decree No. 19 on National Day of Remembrance

    This Sub-decree aims to set 20 May as a National Day of Remembrance, an official national holiday to commemorate the victims who died and suffering during the Democratic Kampuch...

  • Asian Development Outlook 2015: Financing Asia's Future Growth

    To achieve the steady growth envisaged in this report, policy makers in developing Asia need to be vigilant of potential risks. Risks to Asia’s growth prospects could come fro...

  • Infrastructure investment needs in the Lower Mekong 2010-2020

    Dataset created from an ADB Institute document to show the annual infrastructure investment required for each Lower Mekong country from 2010-2020. It also indicates the percenta...

  • Special Economic Zones & Cross Border Economic Zones in the Mekong

    A geospatial dataset describing SEZ and CBEZ of the Greater Mekong Subregion. It contains 416 SEZ and CBEZ including attributes (name, type, country and code).

  • Asia-Pacific Aspirations: Perspectives for a Post-2015 Development Agenda

    The Asia-Pacific region as a whole has had considerable success with the MDGs, particularly in reducing levels of poverty. Nevertheless, the region is off track when it comes to...

  • Agriculture land areas 2012

    Comparison of agriculture land with permanent crops, pasture or meadow in 2012 for the Lower Mekong countries. Collated for a visualization on the OD Mekong Land page: https://o...

  • Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Corridors 2012

    A dataset containing trans-boundary roads declared Greater Mekong Subregion transport corridors and their status as of 2012 -- existing, planned, potential.

  • Millennium Development Goal Indicators LMB 1988-2013

    Asian Development Bank statistics for MDG indicators for the five LMB countries, 1988-2013.

  • Agricultural and cropped land, 2012

    Dataset of total Agriculture land area and percentage of total land, and cropped land area and percentage for 2012 in each Lower Mekong country. Compiled for a visualization on ...

  • Development Cooperation Trends in Cambodia: Using Evidence to Promote Partnerships and Develop Effectiveness

    Rapid progress in Cambodia’s socio-economic development over the past decade has been achieved as a result of effective leadership on the part of the Royal Government and the co...

  • ADB infrastructure-related projects 2005-2015

    A summary of the number of infrastructure related projects approved by the ADB in Lower Mekong countries from 2005-2015. Collated for an interactive visualization on the OD Meko...

  • Rural Development and Poverty Eradication 2016-2020

    Objective 1: Improved vulnerable groups’ and poor households’ access to and/or control of productive natural resources, financial and support services, and to social protection...

  • The World's Cities in 2016: Data Booklet

    This data booklet highlights current and future trajectories of populations in cities around the globe, drawing on population estimates and projections published in World Urbani...

  • Urban Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion

    This publication on urban development in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)—a first of its kind—reflects recognition of the greater potential roles of urban development, increas...

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