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  • SDG 6 on water and sanitation is essential for sustainable development

    Sustainable Development Goal 6 recognizes that sustainably managing water goes beyond simply providing a safe water supply and sanitation (targets 6.1 and 6.2) to address the br...

  • Resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

    E/ESCAP/RES/73/9 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Seventy-third session Agenda item 4

  • Rapid Integrated Assessment - Cambodia SDG Profile

    UNDP conducted a rapid integrated assessment of Cambodia’s National Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018 and relevant sector plans and strategies against the SDG targets. The as...

  • Kingdom of Cambodia: Cambodia RWSS Sector Improvement Support Synthesis Report

    This synthesis report documents the implementation process, results and lessons learned under a three-year Technical Assistance (TA) program undertaken by the Water and Sanitati...

  • ADB and the Sustainable Development Goals

    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. They form part of the 2030 Ag...

  • Delivering on the 2030 Agenda

    Statement by the Heads of the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Developmen...

  • Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform: Voluntary National Reviews Database

    This online review platform is dedicated to compiling information from countries participating in the voluntary national reviews of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable...

  • About the ACSS Committee

    The ACSS is a partnership between and among the national statistical systems of the ASEAN Member States (AMSs), the ASEAN Community Councils, and the ASEAN Secretariat.

  • Thematic Working Groups - Statistics

    Supports the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through effective and efficient support for SDG monitoring at the country-level, and a sustainable approach to statistical capacit...

  • The Sustainable Development Goals: Tracking Progress and Engaging Stakeholders in Review

    The Sustainable Development Goals are a complex and ambitious framework for transformative change. ESCAP is supporting monitoring, review and follow up on the Sustainable Develo...

  • Report on the 48th Session

    Report on the 48th Session of the Statistical Commission, 7-10 March 2017.

  • ASEAN–ADB Cooperation Toward the ASEAN Community: Advancing Integration and Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia

    This report, following the launch of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), reviews ASEAN–ADB cooperation, focusing on ADB’s role and operations in strategic areas of cooperation d...

  • The National Green Growth Roadmap

    The National Green Growth Roadmap envisions a combination of objectives for economic growth and development, human well‐being, and environmental quality, which will promote the ...

  • Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: A Framework for Action

    Building on Thailand’s Revised Information Paper/Matrix: Compilation of Possible Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Blueprints 2025 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl...

  • Synthesis Report of the Secretary-General On the Post-2015 Agenda - The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the Planet

    The year 2015 offers a unique opportunity for global leaders and people to end poverty, transform the world to better meet human needs and the necessities of economic transform...

  • Regional Road Map for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific

    The countries of Asia and the Pacific have developed a regional road map for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to facilitate cooperation at the regional l...

  • Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Greater Mekong Subregion

    The experience and capacity to conduct strategic environmental assessments (SEAs) have improved considerably in recent years in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries. Gov...

  • Catalyzing Green Finance: A Concept for Leveraging Blended Finance for Green Development

    The origins of this publication can be traced back to discussions between an Asian Development Bank (ADB) team led by Ayumi Konishi, director general for East Asia Department, w...

  • Assessing Financial Protection against Disasters: A Guidance Note on Conducting a Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic

    The World Bank and Asian Development Bank have worked in more than 50 countries to (i) quantify the economic and fiscal impact of disasters; (ii) take stock of existing mechanis...

  • Asian Economic Integration Report 2017: The Era of Financial Interconnectedness

    This year’s Asian Economic Integration Report (AEIR) continues to chronicle progress in regional cooperation and integration (RCI) in Asia and the Pacific. Despite an improved g...

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